
Belief Statements

Choose 3 statements. You must agree with at least 2 of the three

Write a paragraph for each statement citing 3-4 reasons why you support this statement or 3-4 reasons why you disagree with the statement

Type it on a word doc, double spaced, 12 font, times new roman

Type the statement first, then skip a line to begin your paragraph. Make sure that your paragraphs are well written and fully explain your position. You will be graded on grammar and basic paragraph construction that you have learned this year. You are almost 7th graders. Show me you are ready for this next step! 


  • Use a Google Slide
  • Indent, double space, 12 font, Times New Roman
  • Include a title for paragraph
  • Check spelling and grammar
  • Make sure to write well constructed 6th grade sentences
  • Include a topic and concluding sentence

Creative Writing

  • Use Google Slide
  • For a poem, know the type you used
  • You can include as many poems/song verses as needed to adequately cover the topic
  • This is a piece of creative writing so use color, font, pictures,etc to show that effort and creativity
  • Accurate information, correct grammar and spelling  

Graphic Organizer

  • Use Google Slide
  • The organizer is on one specific topic(check your plan sheet)
  • Topic is prominent and larger than other font
  • Organize your information -at least 3 sub categories
  • Each box coming off the topic has a title(can be one word) 
  • Check spelling and grammar
  • Add pictures that are relevant to the topic you're sharing, minimum of 2
  • Use color, be creative

Google Slide/Prezi Presentation

  • Your presentation is about one specific topic(description, history, problems,etc.) from your notes
  • Title Slide: Names topic with picture
  • Need a total of 4 slides with transition between slides
  • Each information slide: Title(what the slide is about), Picture(relevant to info on slide), Information (written in sentences using correct spelling and grammar)

African Landform Choices

Mountains                Rivers                Deserts            Lakes               Islands
Atlas                         Nile                    Sahara             Victoria            Madagascar
Table                        Congo                Namib              Tanganyika      Comoros
Ahaggar                   Zambezi            Kalahari            Chad                Seychelles
Kilimanjaro              Niger                                            Tana
Virunga                                                                        Albert

Serengeti Plain     Fish River Valley    Great Rift Valley   Ngorongoro Crater 
Victoria Falls  Baobab Tree     Cape of Good Hope   Congo Rainforest 
or any other you show me :)

Rivers Graphic Organizer

Some helpful hints in creating your graphic organizer:
  • Page Layout- choose landscape or vertical
  • Margins- set to narrow
  • When inserting text boxes make them tight so you can move them around
  • Include pictures and a title
  • Be creative- use color, different fonts, change borders of text boxes, etc. 
Remember to email me your finished copy before class tomorrow.

Mexico Pages

  • 2 stories/picture per page total of 4 stories
  • Text in black, 12 font and readable
  • Title for each story; can be underlined
  • Each story has topic sentence/indent
  • Correct grammar and spelling
  • Details that tell a complete organized story
  • Only the word MEXICO appears on first page. You can make it a larger font, fun style and color
  • Textboxes can be different color and weight, dashes, dots or solid line
Make sure to check that everything will appear on the page by going to file and click print. It will show you how the page will look printed.
Reread!!!! This is worth 100 points! Make sure you have DETAILS and it is well written.
Submit it to Google Classroom by 8am Thursday

Maya Topic Poster

  •  Be Neat, Organized and Creative
  • Accurate illustrations and labels based on article
  • Colored Pencil-Sharpie for outlining only
  • Topic Prominent
  • Whole page filled
  • Name on back
Anyone who looks at your poster should be able to learn about your topic. Please keep the paper wrinkle free!!! I won't see you until Wednesday, so you have plenty of time to do your best work! 

 Due Wednesday

Notes for Latin America Landform, Climate and Economy test are in Google Classroom

Test is Thursday Oct. 12th

Answers to Longitude/Latitude Test Prep Practice

Remember these are capital cities. Find the grid/square to look for the specific coordinates

1. Bonus(it was hard) Pago Pago, American Samoa
2. Brussels, Belgium
3. Washington DC, USA
4. Seoul, Korea
5. Brasilia, Brasil
6. Copenhagen, Denmark
7. Jakarta, Indonesia
8. Bonus- Papeete, French Polynesia
9. New Delhi, India
10. Nairobi, Kenya
11. Santiago, Chile
12. Reykjavik, Iceland

Final Landform Project Requirements

Look over each presentation for your project. Make sure to scroll down and check for the specific expectations for each. 

Practice giving your presentation. You will be graded by your peers and fellow teachers over your oral presentation. They will critique you on: Volume, Speed, Knowledge and Organization

Make sure you have the following on your Thinglink and that each topic is presented and information is NOT repeated.

2 pictures with description
Your Choice
Creative Piece of writing: poem, rap, song,etc.
Graphic Organizer
Google Slide/Prezi
Work Cited

On Monday please bring a printed copy of your notes and your plan sheet to class.

African Landform Notes

Description: What does it look, smell, sound like… I am blind, get specifics
Uses and Resources
Interesting Facts
Animal/Plant Life
Look for Human/Environment interaction in the above areas. Remember lots of these landforms are tourist destinations!

Keep a word doc with all websites that you use

Choose Your Landform

Lakes: Chad, Victoria, Tanganyika
Rivers: Nile, Congo, Zambezi, Niger
Deserts: Sahara, Kalahari, Namib
Mountains: Atlas, Ahaggar, Virunga, Table
Misc: Serengeti Plain, Baobab Tree, Fish River Canyon, Great Rift Valley, Ngorongoro Crater, Victoria Falls

If you know of a landform that  isn't listed above and you would like to research it,let me know and we can decide together. Come Tuesday with at least 3 in your head that you are interested in learning more about!

Notes for Africa Geography Test

Use Sheppard's Software to practice map and the map I gave you.
Go to Google Classroom for notes on Regions, Rivers, Climate and Vegetation

Region/Rivers Graphic Organizer

Organize information by topic
Include all of your notes
Use bullet points not sentences
Need to have at least one picture
Use color and be creative

Due Monday 8am

#1. Reread your paper out loud to a parent or other adult. I promise this will help you catch any grammar errors or awkward sentences.

#2. Make any final corrections

#3. Print 2 copies. Turn both copies in to Mrs. Devries by 8am Monday

#4. Turn in your paper to turnitin.com Remember to save it as a PDF and then turn it in by 8am Monday.

Rubric for Leader Essay

Go through your paper one last time before you have to turn it in on Monday at 8am to TurnItIn.com

Leader Essay

You should have 4 paragraphs completed on ONE word document
Your Introduction comes first, then the biography, event and analysis
Please read it aloud and catch any awkward sentences, grammatical errors, etc.
Make the necessary changes and come to class with a printed copy.

Requirements for Final Copy Close Up Country Assignment

First page 
Country title: Your choice on color and font style. Size should be bigger than 16 but less than 28, unless you have gotten prior approval from Mrs. Smith to go bigger,  no outline around title

2 Topic Boxes:   Title should be Black, 14 font size and underlined. You can bold the title but then all titles should be in bold.  For the paragraph-12 font, Black ink and readable font style

2 pictures that enhance your topics for that page, remember to always make text boxes and pictures TIGHT!!

Second page
This page will be set up like the first EXCEPT DO NOT include the name of your country. This page will have 2 text boxes and 2 pictures only

Topic Paragraphs
Your  topic paragraphs should be indented and include a topic sentence. DO NOT JUST PUT FACTS INTO SENTENCES. Look over the information you found and present it in your own words using well written sentences. Make sure you give the reader a complete, accurate understanding of the topic you are writing about.

Complete, accurate information presented in well written paragraphs
Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling
Followed directions/requirements for pages
Indented Topic Sentences for each topic

Close up Country Research

Your notes should be completed when you come to class Friday the 16th. Make sure you have enough information to give a DETAILED summary for each topic below

Just The Facts-Describes your country(what language they speak, landforms, location,climate, etc.)
Landmark- history, description, meaning of the landmark, designer/builder, cost, what can you do there, etc.
Human Interest Story- Make sure you have a full understanding of who, what where, when and why about the story...why is this positive for your country?
Your Choice- Historical Event, Arts, Tradition, Music, Politics, Sports, Resource

You will write summary paragraphs just like you did for your Bolivia pages. This project will be worth 100 points. It will be graded based on the same criteria as your Bolivia pages: Content, Creativity, Correct Grammar & Punctuation, following requirements for set up
You will also have to cite all sources that you used to get your information

Final Copy of Copan Essay

Before you submit your final essay make sure...

Each paragraph has a topic sentence and indented

Paragraph 1- Should include a brief overview of Copan and include your statement of how the population declined and how long it took

Paragraph 2- Topic sentence with at least 3 pieces of evidence that explain how it supports your statement as to how the civilization declined

Paragraph 3- Topic sentence with at least 2-3 pieces of evidence that explain how it supports your statement as to how long it took for the civilization to decline

Paragraph 4- Conclusion paragraph that we did in class

Check for the usual requirements..font size, spelling, punctuation, etc. 

Final Copy of Bolivia Paragraphs

Before you submit your final paragraphs make sure EACH paragraph....

Each paragraph has a title that is BOLD, UNDERLINE, 12 FONT
You have used a readable font and it is 12
You have a topic sentence
You have FACTS: True, specific, data about the topic
Enough information that helps the reader understand the topic  
Check your grammar

Once you feel this is your best work go to TurnItIn and submit it.

Remember before you submit.. save the pages as a PDF and rename it so you know it is your turnitin copy
Follow the steps to turn in an assignment and make sure to confirm your submission. There are two assignments listed ..one for each page

If you are unsuccessful at turning your pages in, I can help you in class tomorrow


Make sure to use the websites that are on the resource tab and the Links: National Geographic Kids and World Fact book found on the side. However, you MUST use the Boliva Bella website. It has a lot of information. Remember the topics you are covering are:

Geography: Landforms, Describe the land, where do people live, ect.
Government/Economy: How is this country run? Who runs? How do they make money? Are people rich or poor? What do they do for a living? DO NOT LIST RESOURCES
History: Past events that impacted the country
Topic of your Choice: Pick something you are interested in and dig deeper, learn more about it
Basic Facts: Bordering countries, languages, size, capital, religion, any quick fact

Your notes should be completed by tomorrow.

Presidential Debate Extra Credit!

If you would like to earn extra credit, watch the debate tonight or read the paper early Tuesday morning to write down a question that was asked to the candidates AND how each candidate responded, you may summarize don't worry about getting word for word.
The debate will be widely available on TV and online. Here are just some of the different ways to tune in:
  • The debate will be broadcast live on ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox, Fox News, MSNBC and PBS. 
  • A live stream of the debate will be available for free on Twitter and Facebook.
  • CBS News will also provide a free live stream through its CBSN service, which is available on AndroidiPhone and iPad, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV and on the web
  • Also don't forget to check out the news online Tuesday morning if you are unable to watch tonight.

Final Charity Brochure

Make sure you have covered the Who, How, Where, What,etc. from below. The content of your brochure needs to make sense. Please reread what you have written so you can catch any grammatical errors. 
Headings for each section 14-16 font and capitalized
Spacing for text should be 1.5
Font for text needs to be black, no bigger than 12 font size
Pictures should be helpful, not bigger than the text

If you have forgotten what belongs in each panel, check out the snips below.

African Charity Research Notes

Make sure you understand EVERYTHING about your charity
Where: Where does it serve? Where is the headquarters
How: Donations- how are they used, how can I donate Volunteer- How can I help?
Who: Who founded your charity, why did they start it
What: This is the MEAT.. describe what your charity does in detail..give specifics How do they accomplish what they do?
Mission or Purpose: Rewrite in your own words what their mission or purpose is
Success Story: In your own words, share a success your charity has had


Final Malawi Reflection Requirements:

First page include Malawi as your title
Each page should include pictures and use of creativity
Each paragraph should include: 
All facts in a creative, 6th grade writing style..not just repeated from your notes
12 font, black, readable
Correct grammar and punctuation

How to create your QR code:

Go to your Thinglink. Click on the share button, square button with arrow. Copy link. Next go to www.QRstuff.com. Go to #2 paste your link. Go to #4 click download. Go to your download file and open up the qr code. Copy and paste it at the bottom of your Thinglink page homework.

Here is the paragraph if you haven't finished:

Over the past few weeks, I have been researching the________. (Write a sentence about a fact that you found fascinating)  Once I gathered all my research, I then made a Thinglink. A Thinglink is a digital interactive poster. On my poster I have placed “tags” that once clicked on, take you to a creative presentation of information on the ______. At the bottom of this page is a QR code that you can scan to see my poster.

Presenting Your Thinglink

Tomorrow you will begin presenting your Thinglink to your classmates. They will be grading you on the following:

Volume-Speaks Clearly and at an appropriate volume to  hear easily

Speed- You can understand each word, they enunciate

Knowledge of Landform- They don't just read each tag, you can tell they fully understand their        landform, they give SPECIFIC information.

Organization- Do they present tags in an order that helps you understand their landform. You aren't   confused about any information 

You should practice presenting your poster as homework tonight. Either present in front of the mirror or a family member.

Is Your ThingLink Poster Completed Correctly?

On Monday your poster should be ready to turn in. Go through each of the steps below to ensure you have a completed poster.

#1. You were ask to gather research on the following topics:

Description/location: look, feel, smell, size, sounds, etc




Interesting Facts

#2. You were asked to take this information and decide how to present it using each of the following:

creative writing- song, poem, tagexdo, cartoon, etc
graphic organizer
your choice: example...voki/blabberize

Before you started the poster, I asked you to decide which presentation form you were going to use for each topic.

#3. Below are the expectations for each of the required presentation mode

Paragraph: double spaced, readable font, 12 font, indented, correct grammar and spelling

Graphic Organizer: One topic represented with details given. Topic is prominent in the display, spelling and grammar is correct

Creative Writing: If you have chosen to write a poem for your creative writing piece, it has to follow the form of a specific type of poem. IF you don't know your poem form then look it up! For example if you chose to do a Haiku poem then it would need to be 3 lines with line one consisting of 5 syllables, line two 7 syllables, and line three with 5 syllables.
 Also with any creative writing you choose, the requirements will be the same as a paragraph..minus the indention and double spacing.

Power Point/Prezi: Minimum of  4 slides. One of those slides should be the Title slide. The slides need correct information, pictures and transitions. Fourth slide CANNOT be "thank you for watching" 'The End" or anything of the sort. Make sure all grammar and spelling are correct.

Your choice: Obviously you should give correct information and anything printed should follow the guidelines above

#4. Tags on your poster should be a description of what we are about to see when we click on the tag. For example, This is a graphic organizer about resources. Or you can use a phrase, Resources Graphic Organizer. This second option is like a title and capitalization rules apply.

#5. Don't forget a tag that includes a google doc that has all your websites listed!

#6. Video:  You need to find a video that shows a unique aspect of your landform. Make sure it is NOT someone's home movie from their vacation! Tag it correctly.

#7. Pictures

This goes without saying, however as a reminder, if you have plagiarized any part of this project you will receive a failing grade.

Can't wait to see them on Monday!

Thinglink Landform Poster

For Friday, you need to have ALL 6 requirements(the ones below the line we drew on your Requirement sheet) completed on your poster

Make sure that each one of these requirements shares a DIFFERENT CATEGORY.

You had 7 categories that you were suppose to have gathered notes about your landform. To refresh  your memory those categories were: 

Description, Location, History, Uses, Resources, Problems, Interesting Facts 

Landform Options: Africa

Choose 2 or 3 that you are interesting in researching. Come to class tomorrow with those 2 or 3 in mind.

Rivers             Deserts               Mountains                     Lakes                
Nile                Sahara                Atlas                             Victoria           
Congo            Namib               Ahaggar                         Chad                 
Niger            Kalahari              Table                              Albert               
Zambezi                                   Kilimanjaro                   Tanganyika        
Ngorongoro Crater
 Fish River Canyon
Great Rift Valley
Baobab Tree
Cape Of Good Hope
Congo Rainforest
Serengeti Plain

Final Check of Latin America Country Summary

  • Do you have a creative way to display your title on the first page? (no bigger than 36 font)
  • Do all of your topics have a title and is it capitalized? 
  • Do you have enough content to accurately inform your reader about the topic? You don't want your reader to be confused or have questions.
  • Did you check sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling?
  • Did you present the information in an organized manner?
  • You have included pictures that enhance your topic
  • You have a separate word doc that has your websites listed
  • Is this your best work? Are you proud of your effort? if not you might need to adjust:) 
When you are ready to hand in your pages for a grade email them to Mrs. Smith or print them on your printer at home in color and hand in (or email) by 8am Thursday.

Latin America Country Summary

You will have time in class to work on this project, however mange your time wisely. Below is a timeline of how you should be moving along. If at anytime you think you are behind, you may work on the research at home.

Wednesday 12/2, Thursday, and Friday: Note taking
Monday 12/7 and Tuesday 12/8th Writing pages
Wednesday 12/9  Final check of pages -hand in final pages at the end of class Wednesday

In class you will find information about the following:

Just The Facts-Describes your country(what language they speak, landforms, location,climate, etc.)
Landmark- history, description, meaning of the landmark, designer/builder, cost, what can you do there, etc.
Human Interest Story
Your Choice- Historical Event, Arts, Tradition, Music, Politics, Sports, Resource

You will write summary paragraphs just like you did for your Mexico pages. This again will be graded as a test worth 100 points. It will be graded based on the same criteria as your Mexico pages: Content, Creativity, Correct Grammar & Punctuation 
You will also have to cite all sources that you use to get your information

This will be due Wednesday Dec. 9th by the end of your class

CNN Student News-Nov 30th

If you did not have your field trip paragraph checked by me in class you need to finish it and email it to me, before you start tonight's homework

Tonight's Homework: #1. Watch CNN Student Newscast November 30th(link is on the blog)

#2. On a word document type 15 questions and at least 1 word that needs to be defined, you can choose up to 3 words

#3. Make sure you have 4-5 higher level thinking questions out of your  total 15

#4. Print this off and turn in by 8am in your hour basket. PUT YOUR NAME ON IT PLEASE!

You don't need to type the answers but you do need to be able to give the answers if you are asked

Mexico Page Requirements

ü Only First page needs the title of Mexico
ü Insert a text box for each paragraph 
ü Text in the text box has to be black and twelve font, you can pick the style of print as long as it is easy to read

ü The outline of the text box can be any color

ü Each text box needs to have a title

ü Re-Read each paragraph!!!! You will be graded on the use of correct grammar, punctuation and spelling!

ü Each paragraph needs a picture that illustrates the main idea of the paragraph. 

ü You will be graded on:
          Content: Did you share all the information for each topic?
          Sentence Structure: Did you use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling?

        Following Directions: Did you make sure you had all the requirements?

        Creativity: Did you take the time and effort to check your work before  turning it in? Did you take the time to add pictures, color,and adjust the page layout?                    

Extra Credit Debate

Tonight the Republican candidates will debate at 8pm.  Watch it on Fox or you can stream it for free on foxbusiness.com

To get extra credit you need to : Write down the name of the candidate, the question they are asked and their answer. Turn it in by 8am with your name on it in your class basket.

Latin Dance Report

If you and your partner did not finish your paragraphs today in class, please finish it over the weekend. Below are a few helpful reminders of what I expect the final draft to look like.

Creative Title font no bigger than 18
2 Paragraphs, double spaced, 12 font, clear font in black ink
Paragraph #1 The background/history of your dance
Paragraph #2 Explanation of your dance

Before you email it to me, Revise and Edit your final copy!
Include a picture at the bottom if you have room

CNN Student News:

Watch November 3rds newscast. You can find the link on this blog(look left:). You may need to go to the list of Archived shows to find it, if it isn't the one that pops up. YOU MUST ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES! I will take points off if you don't do this. Please turn it in by 8am tomorrow(Wednesday the 4th) in your hour basket. Make sure your NAME is on it. If you asked me to send it electronically, make sure you print it at home or the help desk before 8.

Here are the point values for each question:
1pt- #s1,3,5,6,8,10,11,12,17,18

2pt-#s 2,4,7,

3pts-#s 9,13

5pts-#s 14,15,16

October 28th: Extra Credit- Republican Debate Tonight

Tonight on CNBC at 7pm, the Republican candidates will be debating. To receive extra credit, on a piece of paper write down the candidate's name, the question they were asked and summarizes their response. Hand it in to your hour basket by 8am Monday Nov. 2nd

October 21st: Color Coded Note Taking

You will need your colored pencils
  • Choose a different color for each paragraph
  • Draw a box, circle or cloud around the entire paragraph using one color. You will use this color for each task in that paragraph
  • Read the paragraph
  • Put a box, using the same colored pencil, around words you don't understand
  • Underline, using the same colored pencil, the main idea of that paragraph
  • Circle important words using the same colored pencil
Once you have read the paragraph put the white piece of paper next to the paper you just marked and draw the overall idea of the paragraph. 

Repeat this process for each paragraph choosing a different colored pencil for each paragraph

Homework for  Tuesday October 13th:

CNN Newscast October 7th

CNN Student News Questions: Please follow the steps on the question sheet! You need to watch the newscast all the way through so you can get a full understanding of each story. Remember answers MUST be written in complete sentences!  Also if a question asks you to describe something that means I am looking for details. It is not just one sentence, tell me how, when, etc.   Most questions are worth 1 point but the following are worth more:

#5. 2pts
#6. 3pts
#9. 3pts
#14. 2pts
#15. 2pts
#16. 2pts
Completed assignments are due by 8am in your hour basket. 

Extra Credit: Tonight at 7:30 on CNN watch a little of the Democratic debate. To receive extra credit write down a debate question and then the person's name and their response( you can summarize their answer). Turn it in during class.

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